Acting for Film Archives - Del-York Creative Academy
November 16, 2021

Del-York Creative Academy Commences A New Batch Of Training For Aspiring African Creatives

As Nigeria’s creative industry experiences a paradigm shift that has made the sector a mainstay of the nation’s economy, Del-York Creative Academy has once again set the stage for aspiring creatives to live their dreams and set their career on an upward trajectory.
November 10, 2021

Here’s One Last Thing You Should Do This 2021

2021 has been a year. Almost like the year was choked with loads of renewed passion – to make up for 2020.
February 20, 2021
3 Important Tips You Must Practice To Ace Your Next Audition


Although the audition is not the real act, your most important objective is to show to the casting directors that you are a valuable and useful asset to their project. Here are three important tips to help you land your next role:
January 29, 2021
3 Reasons Why You Should Take the Del-York Creative Academy`s Digital Programs in 2021

3 Reasons Why You Should Take the Del-York Creative Academy`s Digital Programs in 2021

It goes without saying that digital education is the path to the El Dorado of boundless possibilities, ranging from increased global opportunities, nation-building, self-development, amongst an array of countless benefits.
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