Online Courses - Del-York Creative Academy

Online Courses

Acting For Film

The course works out, renews, stretches, explores, and maintains an ongoing diagnostic relationship with the acting profession; where actors explore internal and external resources for building self-awareness, developing imagination and concentration, recognize their emotional truth, learn the actor’s vocabulary, and demonstrate the ability, to be honest, and committed in their Acting.

Screenwriting For Film And TV

The course is a perfect introduction to the fantastic world of film and TV writing, from the fundamentals of the craft down to the rewriting process, exploring the easier ways to learn how to write a page-turning script.

Broadcast Journalism & Media Communications

This course features advanced techniques in communicating ideas, brand messaging, campaigns, concepts and engaging personality across all quarters, for either media or personnel communication channels. This will enable the student develop competent skills and expertise in both professional and personal spheres of his/her life. 

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